
Is the future robot or human? By Bill Hooper, Head of Curriculum

There鈥檚 good news from Deloitte鈥檚 latest report in the firm鈥檚 鈥樷 series 鈥 robots are not taking over!

The seventh edition in the series entitled, '' makes a compelling case that, despite the threat that technology poses to some sections of the workforce, particularly those involving routine and repetitive tasks, the future of work will be human.

Robotics鈥 failing is that it is essentially limited to automation and augmentation of simple, manual tasks not creation; the latter being a skill that is intrinsically human. For now, sentient computers like the deranged Hal 9000, Terminators and Blade Runners will, thankfully, remain the stuff of science fiction.

Beyond the offer of solace to those anxious about the future of the workforce, the report also offers some timely food for thought for our Year 12鈥檚 currently submitting their preferences to QTAC and our Year 10鈥檚 who select their subjects for Senior this term. When thinking about the sustainability of a future career, students need to understand that it is the interpersonal and creative roles that will be hardest of all to mechanise.

Deloitte Access Economics partner, David Rumbans makes the point that, 鈥渏obs increasingly need us to use our hearts 鈥 the interpersonal and creative roles, with uniquely human skills like creativity, customer service, care for others, and collaboration that are the hardest to mechanise鈥.

He backs up this statement with some interesting statistics;
鈥 86% of the jobs created between now and 2030 will be knowledge-worker jobs
鈥 By 2030, 25% of Australia鈥檚 workforce will be professionals. Most of these will be in business services, health, education or engineering.
鈥 66% of jobs will be soft-skill intensive by 2030.

Rumbans鈥 description of these skills as 鈥榮oft鈥 is particularly comforting to me as I was promptly rebuked by ISQ鈥檚 Executive Officer for Curriculum and Assessment, Jenene Rosser, when I used the same adjective in an introduction to her keynote address to staff at Flinders a couple of years ago. In hindsight, Rosser鈥檚 not-too-subtle slap down was well-deserved as these 鈥榮oft鈥 skills are indeed hard skills to develop in young people; as hard as teaching algebra or grammar. It鈥檚 also hard amidst the noise and potentially reductionist pressure of ATAR scores and NAPLAN results to find space within the curriculum to give these skills the prominence they deserve.

In 2016, Flinders adopted Michael Fullan鈥檚 distilment of 21st century skills into six Cs; Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Character, Citizenship and Collaboration as a focus for our P-12 curriculum. The chronological development of these skills was mapped on a continuum and then curriculum leaders and classroom teachers were encouraged to make sense of them in the context of their own subjects. We stressed the importance of context, that critical thinking rightly looks different in a maths class compared to a science class. It鈥檚 a point that British educationalist, Dylan Wiliam, makes clear, 鈥渢he development of these 21st century skills requires strong disciplinary foundations, generated through significant amounts of enculturation in the domain鈥.

One subject area which has embraced the six Cs as the centrepiece of its curriculum and approach to teaching and learning is IDEAS (Innovation, Design, Engineering, Art and Science). Introduced at the start of the 2019 academic year, IDEAS is a compulsory multi-disciplinary course in which Year 7 and 8 students employ a human-centred design process to find solutions to real-world problems.

In one IDEAS project, students grapple with the issue of sustainability and micro-plastics in the environment by developing 鈥榥ude food鈥 solutions for school lunches, including packaging made from a single, easily recycled material that does not exacerbate pollution. Students then develop an infographic with Virtual Reality capabilities to visually represent their solution.

Driven by 鈥榖ig-picture鈥 design questions like, 鈥楬ow might we help inspire global audiences to take action to reduce plastic waste?鈥 and 鈥楬ow can visual messaging and practical hands-on examples become empowering tools in reducing plastic waste?鈥, these projects demand that students collaborate and think critically. But the thing that sets IDEAS apart from traditional STEM approaches is the need for students to empathise.

IDEAS projects begin with students 鈥榳alking in the shoes鈥 of a person or group who is directly impacted by the problem being solved. Students are encouraged to put aside their biases and beliefs to try to develop a heightened awareness of other people鈥檚 needs, wants and motivations. This can often involve interviewing or observing people to get a detailed sense of the specific impacts that the problem is having. Once this is achieved, students begin the process of ideation, definition, prototyping and testing.

IDEAS is not just about making things; it鈥檚 about providing opportunities for a student to participate as a citizen of a community and develop their character through the experience. It鈥檚 the perfect combination of academic rigour and personal development driven by values and, for our students, it captures the future-proofing shift that the Deloitte鈥檚 report is calling for: from hands...to heads鈥o hearts.

Bill Hooper | Head of Curriculum

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