
Profile with Old Flinderians' Association President Selena McKay

Old Flinderian Selena McKay
Selena McKay is a leader, business owner and mother of two girls. She graduated from Flinders with the Class of 2002 and in 2019 joined our Old Flinderians’ Association committee, recently stepping into the ‘top job’ as President.

We asked Selena to feature in this Q&A profile and share with our students and community some of the lessons she has learned as she forged a career.

Impressively, at age 24, Selena was one of the youngest bank managers in Australia and within her first year led her team to be ranked number 6 in the country. After more than a decade of leading several ANZ branches, and winning awards along the way, in 2016 Selena decided to join the family mortgage broking business as a finance broker.

What was your favourite Flinders moment?

Selena: This is a hard one, as I have so many fond memories. I would have to say, becoming House Captain of Bradman. I was so proud to be chosen to lead our House.

Do you have a Flinders role model?

Whilst I was at Flinders, it was teacher Brad Bowen. Now, having my two daughters at the College I see the way that Head of Senior School, Gary Davis and Head of Secondary School, Gerry Price are still so passionate and invested in the education of all the students. This gives me a whole new level of respect for them both.

How did you decide what to ‘do’ in life?

I don’t think I really ‘decided’, rather it was a natural process of job progressions, from managing retail to a Bank Manager role, and then as Director of a finance broking company. Inadvertently, this still led me to the family business in mortgage broking.

Did your further study or career go exactly as you planned?

After school I studied film and television and I am now a finance broker, so I would say, not exactly as planned! But I believe that is the beauty of life; you never know what is around the corner. Studying acting taught me a great deal about how people communicate and behave, which I can utilise in any field for life.

What advice do you have for current students?

Follow your dreams and don’t give up easily. Be relentless in the pursuit of your goals. If you are passionate enough and driven enough, you can achieve more than you realise you are capable of.

To read more profiles with our Old Flinderians, visit the Beyond Flinders page here.

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